Shut up and bleed.

Age 35, Male


dont know


Joined on 10/29/03

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This letter is not a memoir. Nor is it a policy memorandum issued by the government or by a local think tank. Rather, it is an assessment of how it breaks my heart and fills my chest with agonizing pain when I see Newgrounds put maledicent thoughts in our children's minds. Let us note first of all that it would be charitable of me not to mention that following its words left to right and down a page is like following fingernails on a chalkboard. Fortunately, I am not beset by a spirit of false charity so I will instead maintain that once one begins thinking about free speech, about patronizing big-labor bosses who use ostracism and public opinion to prevent the airing of views contrary to their own uninformed beliefs, one realizes that it is extraordinarily brazen. We've all known that for a long time. However, Newgrounds's willingness to encumber the religious idea with too many things of a purely earthly nature and thus bring religion into a totally unnecessary conflict with science sets a new record for brazenness.

I myself have this advice to offer: The world has changed, Newgrounds; get used to it. I agree that while decent people sit by, snore, and have their maws open, Newgrounds is out forcing me to abandon all hope. But I also think that we must stop tiptoeing and begin marching boldly and forthrightly towards our goal, which is to hold out the prospect of societal peace, prosperity, and a return to sane values and certainties. Newgrounds labels anyone it doesn't like as "obscene". That might well be a better description of it.

Some people have indicated that Newgrounds apparently wants to use us to fulfill its flighty mission. I can neither confirm nor deny that statement, but I can say that Newgrounds and its subalterns are, by nature, irresponsible witless-types. Not only can that nature not be changed by window-dressing or persiflage, but I would really like to comment on Newgrounds's attempt to associate gangsterism with resistentialism. There is no association. That fact is simply inescapable to any thinking man or woman. "Thinking" is the key word in the previous sentence. If Newgrounds ever claims that it is a spokesman for God, we must answer only one thing: "No, the reverse is true." Before you declare me drossy, let me assert that I wonder what would happen if Newgrounds really did provide financial support to backwards banana republics and their nettlesome dictators. There's a spooky thought.

The irony is that Newgrounds's most dishonest memoranda are also its most uneducated. As the French say, "Les extremes se touchent." Whenever I hear someone say that taxpayers are a magic purse that never runs out of gold, my upper lip develops an involuntary curl. It's a pity. Newgrounds's opinion is that people don't mind having their communities turned into war zones. Of course, opinions are like sphincters: we all have them. So let me tell you my opinion. My opinion is that Newgrounds yearns for the Oriental despotisms of pre-Hellenic times, the neolithic culture that preceded the rise of self-consciousness and egoism. By the same token, it abhors the current era, in which people are free to purge the darkness from Newgrounds's heart.

It would be hard to find anyone who doesn't agree that Newgrounds feels it has not only a right, but also a duty, to assuage the hungers of its hangers-on with servings of fresh scapegoats. Likewise, it is absolutely determined to believe that the moon is made of green cheese, and it's not about to let facts or reason get in its way. Instead of taking the easy path in life, the downward path, we must choose the upward path regardless of the pain, suffering, and sacrifice that this choice entails. Only then can we finally take steps against the whole cheeky brotherhood of beastly politicasters. Yes, Newgrounds will try to stop us by breaking down our communities, but in its quest to separate people from their roots and cut their bonds to their natural communities it has left no destructive scheme unutilized. Already, some argumentative-to-the-core freaks have begun to impair the practice of democracy, and with terrifying and tragic results. What precepts will follow from their camp is anyone's guess. Individually, Newgrounds's stances subject us to the fatuous yapping of wicked lugs. But linked together, Newgrounds's propositions could easily destroy our moral fiber. Let me end this letter by challenging my readers to deal with Newgrounds's venal ploys on a case-by-case basis. Are you with me, or with the forces of negativism and oppression?

dude.... shut the fuck up. I didnt ask you your opinion about newgrounds. you obviously have nothing to do but bitch about content on websites instead of finding solutions to the war. I made a post asking people if they have Xbox 360 Live... Now where in the fuck does your response fit in? if you took the time read this post and my other posts you wouldnt be hearing from me and you would stop blabbering on like you know something. I take it you don't have Xbox 360 Live. So fuck off, and preach somewhere else.

Hey man Id love to PWN nub cakes on COD4 witcha, itd be so tight to play with one of my fav bands...but I GOT TEH RING OF FIRE! My Tag is S3AIV so add me and ill be on when i can

LOl and teh guy above is a fucking retard...just thought id share that.

hey man i got vegas 2
gamertag is: eewicky91

Hit me up dude, I play left 4 dead pretty much exclusively, but ill play cod4 too. xdrewsifstalinx

hey man, add GodOfWar527


lets pwn some n00bs in some halo

Hold that thought guys I JUST got the red ring of death after 2 years of br00tality FUCKKKKKKkkkkkkkkkk >:( fuck it if I cant fix the bitch myself I'm just gunna go ahead buy a PS3

"To Bobbyballers"

Just to raise a point...

Why are you on Newgrounds if you find it so terrible and politically related?
Aren't you defeating your own cause if you take part in what you yourself think is horribly manipulative? And also... Tom Fulp so happens to not be some "Big-Labor boss" who is bent on mass brainwashing like you say. He is probably some kid in his own apartment or house who happens to have an open-mind about alot of things. Thus he creates Newgrounds for people (And some others who are not) like him, And is extremely successful. There is no brainwashing. There is no manipulation. There is only community where people around the globe can share their own creations and beliefs. Also... Where there is a person who is successful... There are people who are jealous.

What I am assuming is that you are one of those shmucks who has nothing better to do than try to shame Newgrounds with false and biased information. So don't go around thinking that just because you can prance around, writing huge speeches with a bunch of fancy words, that you can change what people think, let alone hand them the true information. You sir, are either some paranoid freak that thinks that every major thing that happens to be popular is going to overthrow some government or change the world for the worse. Or you are some bored user going around writing pointless comments just because there is nothing better to do than start rumours. OR... Like i said, you are jealous of the success Newgrounds has brought upon itself and wish to destroy it because you hadn't thought of it first. If this is so, for heaven's sake, go read up on what people are interested in nowadays and create something along those lines with your own skills.

That's all I have to say.

Stay Gold Ppl,

dude you said and thought everything I did except you did a way better job at explaining every detail of it. I like you dude. but still... WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH XBOX360? >:( Chrisssssst.... Yeah dude I'll stay GOLD while you stay BRONZE :( I guess noone likes to read Titles anymore!

I'd love to help you do all that stuff to noobs, but i just cant afford Xbox Live Gold to play online...But if u wanna contact me, which may be any time, just dont expect anything to happen right away....u know what just add SneakyConqueror, even though it sounds gey. It wouldnt let me be "conqueror", so...yeah.

yeah dude I agree with you on that. Microsoft is a greedy fucking corporation and honestly should be free with all the money they have made. Ill be sure to add you though.